Digital Twin Technology: Combining 3D Data and Industry Insights for Rapid Growth

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Digital Twin Technology Terminology

A digital twin can best be described as a accurate virtual representation of any real-world space, and the integration of data shared between the two to optimize performance. This representation can be provided in a wide number of formats, with the most common format now being accessibility through a browser utilizing webGL

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Digital Twin Technology Industry Use Cases

The first industry to fully embrace Digital Twin technology was the Architecture, Engineering, & Construction industry. Utilizing digital replicas of real-world construction zones enables engineers to create

Accuracy plays a critical role when utilizing digital twin technology for Industrial Manufacturing. The more data that is collected over time, the higher the accuracy of the digital twin, and models are being utilized across every industry to help engineer better systems in companies like GE, Siemens, and Eaton.

Metrology scanning is the process of creating a highly accurate digital twin for the manufacturing industry. Many plant floors own and even manufacture their own scanners. For this reason Metrology scanning equipment is not extensively covered in this analysis.

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Creating Planograms for large chain retail has been Tracy Wiedmeyer’s goal at InContext solutions for the better part of ten years. Planograms are critical for visual product placement and customer experience improvement. More recently, planograms can train AI and invite shoppers into an interactive shopping experience thanks to advancements in virtual tour platforms. Companies like Walmart, Crate & Barrel, and World Market are catching on and offering virtual shopping experiences similar to a staged home in real estate.

It’s not uncommon for entire product lines to now include 3D models, and even an app allowing you to place the inventory accurately in your home through Augmented Reality.

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Digital Twin Technology Applications: When Accuracy Matters

Deciding on a Digital Twin platform can be challenging. With a wide range of pricing models, varying deliverables, and accuracy, it helps to have someone provide critical data ahead of time. Cinci360 has been tracking Digital Twin Technology platforms for several years, and is happy to share a dataset surrounding the hosting company, measurability, and popularity. Ben Claremount also sums up each platform’s usability is this excellent Youtube review. My personal recommendation is to always utilize the best platform suited for the industry you are servicing.

Virtual Tour SoftwareHQMeasurableAlexa Rank 1/20/21
http://kuula.coSanta Monican46,065
http://3dvista.comGranada, ESy59,227  64,621 n100,474
http://cloudpano.comHoustonn102,339 Dev Integration102,808  115,365,829,338
http://ggnome.comUKn140,084 Franciscon141,803
http://panoskin.comChicagon167,519 Franciscon170,180
http://theasys.ioDeleware, Italyn282,900,658
http://marzipano.networdpress360386,948,535,023 n489,533 y558,281,442,684  877,171  889,698
http://orbix360.comBrooklyn NYn1,064,225
http://canvasio3d.comwordpress3Dn1,616,157  1,776,959,797,545  3,142,552,096,789,294,945, QC6,607,762  9,897,521

Digital Twin Hardware: Lidar vs Orthomosaic Cost Benefit Analysis

When selecting equipment for a particular project, range and accuracy for the project are all important factors. For that reason, an experienced Reality Capture service provider will have a wide range of equipment in their inventory, ready to match the right hardware to the right desired Digital Twin deliverable. Below is a list of leading Lidar and Orthomosaic hardware. You can quickly see the difference in range, accuracy, and cost. Additionally, I recommend following 360 Rumors to stay on top of the latest equipment and their technical specifications for client projects.

 Capture HardwareSpecific Product Cost  Range Accuracy
Reality Capture Systemshttp://faro.comFocus350 $      45,000 350m <1cm on velodyne) $      70,000 300m 1cm on faro) 350m 
http://leica.comBLK360 $      18,000 60m 1cm for updates tbd  tbd  tbd on faro) 350m 
http://leica.comBLK Go $      60,000 60m 6-15mm (velodyne) $      35,000350m1cm on velodyne) $      45,000350m5cm on velodyne) $      35,000 300m 5cm
Lidar Pucks   200m $           350 6m  $        8,000 300m 1cm  $      16,000 100m ±2 cm  $           320 30m  $           600 250m 2cm
Photogrammetry & Structure Light Modeling $           20010m5mm
http://matterport.comPro2 (built on D435i) $        4,500 10m 5cm Thermal imaging $           25030mn/a Theta Z1 or eq. $        1,000 6m 1in
Apple Ipad/Iphone Pro w/ Lidar12Pro Models $        1,200 6m  
NEW Lidar   

Digital Twin Technology Global Service Providers

After familiarizing yourself with Digital Twin Technology, how it can benefit your industry, what the costs are, and who the key hardware manufacturers are, lets take a look at service providers around the globe. When it comes to selecting an experienced service provider, a website with high domain authority and rank can help you determine the level of previous work experience. Keep in mind not all service providers have the same equipment and available staff. I have worked personally with several providers on this list, and can attest that they are all excellent business owners and entrepreneurs. If you can’t find a service provider in your area, I recommend posting a job request on the Facebook 3D Scanners User Group.

DomainLocationLidarAlexa Rank 3/1/21Domain Authority
http://craigsauer3d.comCAn2,780,44261  254,70860
http://scan.casaMXnN/A49 n1,560,62149 n340,00848 y1,418,76347 n517,56746 n348,66045,37243 n1,614,39742
http://aftertecai.comCAn2,758,07041 n4,597,80441
http://stepbystep3d.comNVn4,344,68339  2,730,64538
http://lmp360media.comAZ 6,604,17737  4,583,92036  1,144,69535  N/A34  1,405,78834
http://ovalroomgroup.comOHy6,579,78331  7,552,53830  N/A30  1,718,70430  N/A29  3,886,78628
http://3dreservices.comWA N/A26
http://virtuallythere.mediaNF N/A22  N/A20
http://miro3d.comTX 3,842,0004 N/A4
http://firstlook3dimaging.comFL N/A3
http://threesixtypro.comOH 7,146,6323
http://truly360.comFL N/A3
http://creative.aeroAU N/A2
http://northerncolorado3d.comCO N/A2
http://roboimg.comPA N/A2
http://virtualpro.nzNZ 4,544,7462
http://www.3Dwalkmethru.comFL N/A1 N/A1


  1. 6G Digital Twin Samsung Whitepaper
  2. Accenture Whitepaper
  3. Digital Twin IEEE Research
  4. 3D Glossary
  5. 2017 Industry 4.0 and the Digital Twin
  6. GE Digital Twin Creation

Virtual Tour Software by Numbers

When looking at how Virtual Tour platforms are designed, processed, and delivered, there are such a wide range of results going off of opinion alone will not bring you to the right conclusion on which platform to use. Time, Cost, and Ease of use are great starting points but barely scratch the surface when deciding which platform to base your business services from. To start at the very beginning, a basic understanding of various virtual tour alignment methods and their respective patent holders is helpful.

  • Manhattan Geometry such as Cupix (US Patents: US7155698B1,
  • Iterative Closest Point algorithm used in Google Street View (US
  • Inverse Graphic Capture Systems found in Matterport (US Patents: US10529141B2, US20190014310A1)

1. Time Savings

Nobody wants to waste hours moderating a tour. If the time to moderate a tour will never be offset in cost by a client, then your time is your most valuable resource. This means that any tour that auto-aligns panos for your offers tremendous cost-saving benefits in a time factor alone. We can break virtual tour time down into three important categories: Capturing, Processing, and Moderating.

Constant Capture Platforms

2. Cost

There is no such thing as a free virtual tour. You can come close, but equiptment and software costs will always be a factor.

Cost Chart

3. Measurement Accuracy Benefits

One of the biggest benefits you can reap from a well done virtual tour is an accurate set of measurements from an accurate alignment process. Without an alignment process in place, you are left with tours that aren’t scalable or measurable. This is a big differentiator between platforms as very few have the capabilities to generate a floor plan, and fewer still to scale that floorplan to a size that is over 100,000 sq ft. As more and more software platforms incorporate the ability to embed a Virtual Tour API, offering advanced features becomes a necessity to the long-term survival of the platform. This is where a handful out of the hundreds of Virtual Tour platforms really deliver on results. The field results below show that Cupix and Matterport fall within 1% accuracy of hand measurements AND Lidar measurements. Your virtual tour has gone from a piece of pure content marketing to a workflow critical asset. (cubicasa, immoviewer)

Measurement Data Provided by Alex Nalepa

4. Tour Results

Clients care very little about how easy or hard it is to navigate the platform you choose to work in. To them, all that matters are results that impress and to that end

Google Street View Publishable

5. Scalability

API Enabled List

6. Privacy Concerns

When creating tours for Banks, Government offices, or for risk management there will always be a privacy concern. Any tour provider that creates a public URL as a deliverable opens it up to a host of security risks. This means that tours that can be created offline and executed offline offer these industries much needed security benefits. The list below shows Virtual Tour platforms that offer self-hosting executables and client-side tour moderation.

7. Ease of Platform Use

When determining ease of use, look no further than Ben Claremont’s Virtual Tour video

8. Hardware Agnostic

Nearly every tour provider is hardware agnostic with the exception of Matterport, that now charges a premium for use of their camera with their platform.

9. Patented Technology

List of Providers with Approved Patents

Cinci360 Attends the Midwest Construction Summit

Thanks to the generous donation from WEB ventures, Cinci360 had the opportunity to attend the annual Ohio Construction Summit hosted at UC Kingsgate Hotel. This venue provided an opportunity for fellow minority and women-owned businesses to network with major metro-area construction and architecture firms.

Thank you to everyone who enabled this tremendous opportunity for companies looking to grow their project base across the region.

Cinci360 Demos VR at Hyde Park School

Cinci360 was recently given the opportunity to demonstrate 3D capture capabilities to a group of Hyde Park School students as part of their continued learning VR elective. During the demonstration, the fifth and sixth graders were shown how to use a Matterport camera to capture both 360 and 3D data, as well as how to process and share that data in virtual reality. Hyde Park School recently won a grant for several VR goggles that utilize for student projects and sharing.

Cinci360 will return in one month to review student’s projects captured with a Ricoh Theta Z, as well as share additional 360 moments captured around Cincinnati.

Cospaces.IO VR Share

Cinci360 Presents to the University of Cincinnati in Neuroscience Building

Cinci360 recently had the privileged of being the guest speaker at the University of Cincinnati Health supplier diversity meeting in the new Neuroscience building. The topics covered included 3D scanning for construction, marketing, and insurance. Case studies were shared that covered projects with 84.51, Lithco Restoration, and Cartridge Brewery, as well as future projects and AI image recognition. Approximately 40 vendors were in attendance, including Messer and FOX construction, and several architectural and janitorial vendors. UC Health has an annual patient revenue of $1 Billion, making it the second largest medical system in Ohio next to Wexner Medical System in Columbus.

Cinci360 & RCE Present at ICRI

Reality Capture Experts Dustin Gardener and Cinci360 Aubrey Backscheider will be outlining the 3D Mapping Business Advantages for the Architectural, Engineering, & Construction industries.  In this session, we will get a high-level overview of case studies that have helped businesses like Cartridge Brewery create a collaborative project between the investors, developers, and owners of the business. We covered the following topics in a 1-hour presentation:

  • Drone & Aerial Mapping
  • Scan to CAD Deliverables
  • Inspection coverage
  • 99.9% Accurate measuring
  • Insurance Documentation
  • Asset Media Tagging
  • Time/Cost Advantages
  • Easy Cloud Collaboration

Cinci360 WBENC Certification

Cinci360 Certified By the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council

Cincinnati, OH —11/28/2018— Cinci360, a business specializing in 3D Data and IT Services, is proud to announce national certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise by the Ohio River Valley, a regional certifying partner of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).  Being a part of a network of women owned businesses means empowering our fellow female Entrepreneurs for success.


WBENC’s national standard of certification implemented by the Name of RPO is a meticulous process including an in-depth review of the business and site inspection. The certification process is designed to confirm the business is at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by a woman or women.


By including women-owned businesses among their suppliers, corporations and government agencies demonstrate their commitment to fostering diversity and the continued development of their supplier diversity programs.

About WBENC:
Founded in 1997, WBENC is the nation’s leader in women’s business development and the leading third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women, with more than 13,000 certified Women’s Business Enterprises, 14 national Regional Partner Organizations, and over 300 Corporate Members. More than 1,000 corporations representing America’s most prestigious brands as well as many states, cities, and other entities accept WBENC Certification. For more information, visit

Cinci360 History

A Brief History of Cinci360

Cinci360 was founded in July of 2016 by Aubrey Backscheider as a Google Street View service provider. The focus of the company was to provide a more accurate visual representation of local businesses in search engine results. Since 2016, Cinci360 has evolved to a site surveying company with attention to digital marketing, user analytics, search engine optimization, CAD documentation for architecture and construction, as well as web development.

Cinci360 became a Matterport Service Provider in late 2017, and in early 2018 helped found Reality Capture Experts,  a national team of 3D data providers. RCE enabled Cinci360 to approach larger nationally recognized brands and expand service offerings including aerial photography, videography, surveying, mapping, and inspections.

Since it’s beginnings in 2016, Cinci360 has photographed hundreds of of businesses in Cincinnati, including 100 sites in 3D, created and audited dozens of websites. Cinci360 is a Women-Owned Business certified by WBENC in 2018.